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  • CVHS

Tips For Dealing With Fireworks Anxiety

Updated: Jul 1, 2020

The Fourth of July is a scary time for an animal with a fear of loud and unexpected noises. Here are some tips to help your pet get through the fireworks this season.

Prepare for the possibility of you pet going missing The Fourth of July and summertime in general are some of the most common times for pets to get lost or run away. Whether it's because they get spooked by fireworks or simply get caught up in the summer fun, you need to be prepared by having the proper identification on your pet. All pets should have collars with I.D. tags with current contact info on at all times. It is also a great idea to get you pet microchipped to further ensure they can be identified if lost or stolen. CVHS offers low-cost pet I.D. microchipping services during our open hours. Please call 319-362-6288 to schedule an appointment.

Keep your pet as far away from the action as possible Find a quiet room that your pet can shelter in during the worst of the commotion. Rooms away from outer walls provide more insulation to keep loud noises out. If possible, basement level rooms can help to dampen out even more of the outside noise. Shut all windows and doors to help keep the ruckus from getting to your pet's ears!

Drown out the outside noise with a calmer alternative

Have a television or radio on at a low level inside the room your pet is staying in to help drown out the noise of the outside world. If you are spending time with your animal during fireworks displays, consider talking to them to keep them calm! Nothing is more soothing to an anxious pet than the steady voice of their loving owner!

Leave anxious pets at home and avoid chances for escape

If you know that you have an anxious animal, don't risk trying to include them in the holiday festivities. It isn't worth having an animal get spooked and go on the run! It can only take an owner's momentary lapse of attention and suddenly their pet can be missing. Additionally, consider passing on hosting duties to reduce the risk of a runaway pet. One of the most common ways for a pet to get loose is for a person unfamiliar with the animal to accidentally let them slip through the door while they are coming or going.

Consider calming pet products There are many products readily available that are marketed towards calming anxious pets. Some are toys that simply keep an animal distracted and occupied, while others actively try to sooth a pet's anxiety through calming smells or a comforting sound. Do research on your own to see if these calming oils, thundershirts, toys, or noisemakers work for your particular pet.

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